2024 SkyBox Marvel Masterpieces XL takes the classic design of the Marvel Masterpieces brand and doubles the size of the card. The release itself is pretty straight forward, offering a mix of base, parallels, sketch cards, and inserts. The What If inserts fall at a rate of 1 per pack, as do insert and/or parallels. […]
Tag: upper deck
2023-24 Upper Deck CHL is a hockey release that highlights the players of the Canadian Hockey League. The product has seen increased popularity in recent years, due mainly to the inclusion of Connor Bedard, who does not make an appearance in this year’s release. The set includes a mix of base, parallels, autos, and inserts. […]
2023-24 SPx Hockey is an annual favourite release, especially for its inclusion of the much loved UD Black subset, which used to be a stand-alone set. The release includes a mix of base, parallels, autos, inserts, and the UD Black cards. Hobby boxes advertise 1 signed card each, supplemented by the base and inserts, as […]
2024 Upper Deck NSCC Wrapper Redemption is a promotional release that is dedicated to the National Sports Card Convention, which is being held in Cleveland, Ohio this year. The annual event sees collectors and vendors from across North America come together to buy, sell, and trade some of the most desirable cards in the industry. […]
2023-24 Upper Deck Allure is a hockey card release that falls on the lower end of the spectrum. It does offer autographs, but these are not guaranteed, with rare ratio’d inserts such as 16-Bit and Doubloons being considered hits. The release includes a mix of base, parallels, autos, and inserts, with signed cards being sticker […]
2023-24 Upper Deck AHL is a hockey release devoted to the second highest professional league in North America. Since it acts as the NHL’s development league, AHL sets can include several NHL players, who just haven’t been called up to the main league. This release offers a mix of base, parallels, autos, and inserts. Hobby […]
2023 Fleer Ultra Wolverine is an entertainment card release that celebrates one of the most iconic members of the X-Men. The set features original art designs that keep the classic feel of Fleer Ultra releases. The set includes a mix of base, parallels, artist autos, sketches, comic cuts, animation cels, and inserts. Among the most […]
2023-24 Upper Deck Extended Series is the third wave of Upper Deck’s flagship hockey release. The release includes the regular mix of base, parallels, and inserts, while throwing in a couple limited autograph series as well. The main draw of the release continues to be the Young Guns rookies, especially the UD Canvas versions, which […]
2024 Upper Deck Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is an entertainment card release that pays homage to the latest Black Panther movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The release is bound to be popular with fans of the Marvel movies. It features several actor autographs, including Letitia Wright who plays the role of the new Black […]