2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth is an entertainment card checklist that draws from the 6 Peter Jackson Lord of the Ring movies. Boxes include a total of 3 hits each, including an autograph, a sketch, and a Film Cel card. The release does not shy away from big names, with Ian McKellan, Viggo Mortensen, and Orlando Bloom all having signatures included, as is Peter Jackson himself. A full breakdown of the release can be found at Breakninja.com.
2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Product Breakdown
Release Date: October 19, 2022
Price: Approx. $450USD Per Hobby Box
Configuration: 5 Cards Per Pack; 6 Packs Per Box
Box Break: 1 Auto; 1 Film Cel; 1 Sketch; 1 CZX STR PWR Insert; 1 Base Parallel
2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Base Set
50 Cards
Parallels: Red #/125; Green #/45; Silver #/25; Printing Plates 1/1

01 An Unexpected Journey
02 Uninvited Guests
03 Saved from Being Supper
04 A Relic of Mordor
05 Tricksy Hobbit
06 Escape from Goblin-town
07 Bilbo Proves Himself
08 Imprisoned by Elves
09 Down the River
10 Arrival in Lake-town
11 Entering the Lonely Mountain
12 The Necromancer’s Identity
13 Thief in the Shadows
14 Smaug’s Fury
15 Slaying the Dragon
16 Consumed by Riches
17 Let the Legions Come Forth
18 Clash at Dol Guldur
19 Thorin’s Redemption
20 The Passage of Time
21 History of Middle-earth
22 Revealed by Flame
23 Leaving the Shire
24 Ringwraiths
25 Escorting the Ring Bearer

26 The Fellowship Forms
27 Cornered in Moria
28 The Balrog
29 Galadriel’s Temptation
30 Boromir’s Bravery
31 Reclaiming the Ring
32 Gandalf the White
33 Breaking the Spell
34 Separate Ways
35 No Dawn for Men
36 Helm’s Deep
37 Taking Back the Keep
38 One Final Charge
39 The Stories that Really Mattered
40 Two Sides to Gollum
41 Sméagol’s Transformation
42 Reforged
43 Commanding the Dead
44 Shelob’s Lair
45 Wrath of the Witch-king
46 Against All Odds
47 “For Frodo”
48 Atop Mount Doom
49 The Return of the King
50 The Grey Havens

Autograph Sets
2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Auto Set
48 Cards – 1:6 Packs – Serial Numbered as Noted
Notes: Redemptions Noted (R)

BB-P1 Billy Boyd as Pippin #/110
BB-P2 Billy Boyd as Pippin #/110
BH-G Bruce Hopkins as Gamling R
BH-T1 Bernard Hill as Theoden #/130
BH-T2 Bernard Hill as Theoden #/130
CP-H Craig Parker as Haldir #/175
DM-M1 Dominic Monaghan as Merry #/120
DM-M2 Dominic Monaghan as Merry #/150
EL-T Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel #/100
FW Fran Walsh, Producer/Writer #/200
IM-GG Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey #/75
IM-GG2 Ian McKellen as Gandalf #/65
IM-GG3 Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey #/60
IM-GW Ian McKellen as Gandalf the White #/75
IM-GW2 Ian McKellen as Gandalf the White #/65
IM-GW3 Ian McKellen as Gandalf the White #/60
JB-N Jed Brophy as Nori #/180
JB-S Jed Brophy as Sharku #/200
JC-O John Callen as Óin #/180
JD-G John Rhys-Davies as Gimli #/75
JD-T John Rhys-Davies as Treebeard #/100
LM-G Lawrence Makoare as Gothmog #/155
LM-L Lawrence Makoare as Lurtz #/180

LM-W Lawrence Makoare as The Witchking of Angmar #/100
LT-A Liv Tyler as Arwen #/105
LT-A2 Liv Tyler as Arwen #/105
MB-A Manu Bennett as Azog #/180
MH-B Mark Hadlow as Bert Troll #/200
MH-D Mark Hadlow as Dori #/180
MO-E Miranda Otto as Éowyn #/110
OB-L1 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
OB-L2 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
OB-L3 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
OB-L4 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
OB-L5 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
OB-L6 Orlando Bloom as Legolas R
PB Philippa Boyens, Writer #/200
PH-G Peter Hambleton as Glóin #/200
PH-W Peter Hambleton as William Troll #/200
PJ Peter Jackson, Writer/Director #/200
SC-R Sylvester McCoy as Radagast #/200
SH-B Stephen Hunter as Bombur #/200
SL-R Sarah McLeod as Rosie Cotton R
VM -S Viggo Mortensen as Strider #/70
VM-A Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn #/80
VM-KE Viggo Mortensen as King Elessar #/65
WK-B William Kircher as Bifur #/180
WK-T William Kircher as Tom Troll #/200

2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Auto Sketch Set
8 Cards – Serial Numbered 1/1

- Bernard Hill as Theoden
- Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel
- Ian McKellen as Gandalf
- John Rhys-Davies as Gimli

- Liv Tyler as Arwen
- Miranda Otto as Éowyn
- Sylvester McCoy as Radagast
- Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn

2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Dual Auto Set
10 Cards

IM-SM Ian McKellen as Gandalf #/35
IM-SM Sylvester McCoy as Radagast
MO-BH Miranda Otto as Éowyn #/55
MO-BH Bernard Hill as Theoden
PH-JRD Peter Hambleton as Glóin #/50
PH-JRD John Rhys-Davies as Gimli
VM-IM Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn #/30
VM-IM Ian McKellen as Gandalf
VM-LT Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn #/30
VM-LT Liv Tyler as Arwen
VM-MO Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn #/50
VM-MO Miranda Otto as Éowyn

IM-OB Ian McKellen as Gandalf
IM-OB Orlando Bloom as Legolas
OB-EL Orlando Bloom as Legolas
OB-EL Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel
OB-JRD Orlando Bloom as Legolas
OB-JRD John Rhys-Davies as Gimli
VM-OB Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
VM-OB Orlando Bloom as Legolas

2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Triple Auto Set
1 Cards – Redemption Exclusive

VOJ Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
VOJ Orlando Bloom as Legolas
VOJ John Rhys-Davies as Gimli

2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Quad Auto Set
1 Card – Redemption Exclusive

VOJI Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
VOJI Orlando Bloom as Legolas
VOJI John Rhys-Davies as Gimli
VOJI Ian McKellen as Gandalf

Sketch Sets
2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Sketch Set
142 Artists – Each Card Serial Numbered 1/1

- Achilleas Kokkinakis
- Al Stefano
- Alan Myers
- Alex Magno
- Alex Starling
- Andrew Fry
- Andrew Rodgers
- Angelo De Capua
- Arnaldo Sampaio
- Ashleigh Popplewell
- Ashley Marsh
- Avik Das
- Barush Merling
- Benjamin Lombart
- Berk Senturk
- Bill Pullkovski
- Bob Stevlic
- Bora Arslanbulut
- Bradley Hudson
- Brandon Kenney
- Camron Johnson
- Can Baran
- Carl Braun
- Carlos Cabaleiro
- Carlos Furuzono
- Carlos Rod
- Cezar Razek
- Chris Chuckry
- Chris Meeks
- Clára Bujtor
- Cris Gadelha
- Dal Bello
- Dan Gorman
- Dan Riveron
- Danny Hayman
- Darla Ecklund
- Darren Soto
- Dave Gaskin
- David Day
- David Desbois
- David Lee
- Debjit Kar
- Don Pedicini Jr.
- Ede Galileu
- Edson Ferreira
- Elson Junior
- Emanuel Braga
- Emre Varlibas
- Eric Lehtonen
- Erik Maell
- Eriscan Türk
- Fan Sichen
- Faruk Cabada
- Felipe Nunes
- Fer Galicia
- Flávio
- George Joseph
- Gorkem Demir
- Hayden Davis
- HeNan San Pang
- Huy Truong
- Ian MacDougall
- Igum Djorge
- James/Jim Dickson
- Jason Christner
- Jay Manchand
- Jay Pangan
- Jeffrey Ritchie
- Jessica Hickman
- John Giancaspro
- John Haun

- Juan Mendez
- Juan Rosales
- Julie Maguda
- KangLe
- Karl Jones
- Kat Sherar
- Keith Farnum
- Ken Meyer
- Kevin Doyle
- Kevin Reinke
- Kichi Strauss
- Kür¸at Çetiner
- Lee Lightfoot
- LeiGuang
- Leon Braojos
- Limuel Pinzon
- Lisa Leblanc
- Lucy Fidelis
- Luiz Otávio
- Luiza Ho
- Marcelo Fernandes
- Marcia Dye
- Marcio Abreu
- Marco Celix
- Mark Mangum
- Matt & Mick Glebe
- Matt Gomes
- Matthew Stewart
- Mauro Fodra
- Michael Mastermaker
- Miguel Galindo
- Mohammad Jilani
- Nathan Birr
- Neil Camera
- Nick Allsopp
- Nick Gribbon
- Noval Hernawan
- Patrick Davis
- Patrick Hamill
- Patti (Patricia) Ross
- Paulo Esper
- Pedro Karps
- Pedrozo
- Phil Hassewer
- Prathmesh Somvanshi
- Rafael Datto
- Rafael Sá
- Raymundo Racho
- Rhiannon Owens
- Rich Molinelli
- Richard Salvucci
- Robert Hendrickson
- Roe Mesquita
- Rugved Bhuskute
- Rusty Gilligan
- Samuel Felipe
- Martínez Rocha
- Sean Pence
- Seth Ismart
- Stephanie Rosales
- Steven Burch
- Thiago Dal Bello
- Thiago Vale
- Tim Shinn
- Tod Smith
- Tolunay Keskin
- Ulisses Gabriel Tardivo
- Vinicius de Moura
- Walter Wasque
- Yinshan
- Yonami

Insert Sets
2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – CZX STR PWR Red Set
25 Cards – 1:6 Packs
Parallels: Green #/85; Silver #/45; Black 1/1

S01 Frodo
S02 Gandalf
S03 Bilbo
S04 Sam
S05 Aragorn
S06 Legolas
S07 Gimli
S08 Merry
S09 Pippin
S10 Boromir
S11 Arwen
S12 Gollum
S13 Galadriel

S14 Elrond
S15 Saruman
S16 Thorin
S17 Bard
S18 Smaug
S19 Tauriel
S20 Kili
S21 Thranduil
S22 Theoden
S23 Eowyn
S24 Master of Lake-town
S25 Bilbo

2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth – Film Cels Set
20 Cards – Serial Numbered #/375 – 1:6 Packs

F1 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
F2 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
F3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
F4 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
F5 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
F6 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
F7 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
F8 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
F9 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
F10 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
F11 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
F12 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
F13 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
F14 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
F15 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
F16 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
F17 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
F18 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
F19 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Binder Exclusive
B1 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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2022 Cryptozoic CZX Middle-earth.xlsx
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While I’m not a LOTR fan, this is a seriously impressive set