2017 Outlander Season 2 is a Cryptozoic product dedicated to the popular time-travel genre show. The show follows main characters Jamie Fraser and Clair Fraser as they experience different periods of history, with 18th century France being the main focus for season 2. A note for this product indicates that due to collation issues many cases are missing 4-5 autographs, and Cryptozoic is working to solve this problem. Customers who receive a box without an auto can contact Cryptozoic customer service here.
2017 Outlander Season 2 – Product Breakdown
Release Date: August 9, 2017
Price: Approx. $85USD Per Hobby Box
Configuration: 5 Cards Per Pack; 24 Packs Per Box; 12 Boxes Per Case
Box Break: 1 Autograph; 1 Wardrobe Card
2017 Outlander Season 2 – Base Set
72 Cards
Parallels: Rainbow Foil Board (1:3 Packs); Gold Jacobite Seal (1:8 Packs); Red Jacobite Seal #/50; Printing Pates 1/1

01 Title Card
02 All for Nothing?
03 Kidnapped by the Fairies
04 A Fresh Start
05 Arrival in France
06 Family Connections
07 Another Country, Another Enemy
08 An Ally Against the Comte
09 No Support for Charles’s Cause
10 Lord Broch Tuarach and the Bonnie Prince
11 A Grand Entrance
12 An Invitation to Versailles
13 A different Coin Altogether
14 The Birds and the Bees
15 A Torturous Truth
16 Joseph Duverney, the Minister of Finance
17 Idle Hands
18 Honor Among Thieves
19 The Prince’s Deception
20 The Comte St. Germain Strikes
21 Bone Scrying
22 Innocence Lost
23 Their Plan Backfires
24 A Tenuous Partnership
25 Mary’s Best Interest?
26 Debt’s Unpaid
27 A Nightmare in the Flesh
28 A Brother’s Loyalty
29 The Impossible Ask
30 Time to Flee
31 The Whole Truth and a New Plan
32 A New Breed of Bandit
33 Taking Its Toll
34 A Promise Broken
35 Losing It All
36 The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

37 La Dame Blanche
38 Judged
39 Freedom and Forgiveness
40 Faith
41 Forcing Jamie’s Hand
42 Opening Old Wounds
43 The Old Fox
44 Playing Both Sides
45 A Shaky Truce
46 To Have Fire, You First Need a Spark
47 The Return of the MacKenzies
48 Memories of War
49 Damsel in Distress
50 Buying Time
51 Priorities
52 Nerve
53 A Way Through the Marsh
54 The Cost
55 Unexpected Loss
56 At an Impasse
57 Hope and a Prayer
58 No Way Out
59 “Am I Not Lady Broch Tuarach?”
60 Bargaining for Freedom
61 Honor Restored
62 Preparing for the Inevitable
63 A Debt to Mary
64 Alone in the Dark
65 Where Monsters Thrive
66 Brianna Randall Fraser
67 “My Mother Lives in Another World”
68 A Familiar Face
69 Back to Craigh Na Dun
70 Family Secret
71 A Second Chance
72 Checklist

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Autographs Set
28 Cards – All Autos Combine to Fall 1:24 Packs – Some Cards are Inscribed

AG Andrew Gower as Prince Charles Stuart
AMZ Adrienne-Marie Zitt as Suzette
CS Claire Sermonne as Louise de Rohan
DL Duncan Lacroix as Murtagh Fraser
DP Dominique Pinon as Master Raymond
FT Frances de la Tour as Mother Hildegarde
GL Gary Lewis as Colum MacKenzie
GM Graham McTavish as Dougal MacKenzie
GO Grant O’Rourke as Rupert MacKenzie
LD Laura Donnelly as Jenny Fraser
LDZ Laurence Dobiesz as Alexander Randall
LL Lionel Lingesler as King Louis XV
MC Margaux Chatelier as Annalise de Marillac
MD Marc Duret as Joseph Duverney

NH Nell Hudson as Laoghaire MacKenzie
RB Romann Berrux as Fergus
RD Rosie Day as Mary Hawkins
RMC Robbie McIntosh as Magnus
RR Richard Rankin as Roger Wakefield
SCR Steven Cree as Ian Murray
SC Simon Callow as Duke of Sandringham
SH Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
SK Scott Kyle as Ross
SS Sophie Skelton as Brianna Randall Fraser
SWB Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain
SW Stephen Walters as Angus Mhor
TM1 Tobias Menzies as Black Jack Randall
TM2 Tobias Menzies as Frank Randall

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Dual Autographs Set
4 Cards – All Autographs Combine to Fall 1:24 Packs

- CSRD Claire Sermonne as Louise de Rohan / Rosie Day as Mary Hawkins
- RRSS Richard Rankin as Roger Wakefield / Sophie Skelton as Brianna Randall Fraser
- RDLD Rosie Day as Mary Hawkins / Laurence Dobiesz as Alex Randall
- SWDP Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain / Dominique Pinon as Master Raymond
2017 Outlander Season 2 – Character Bios Set
9 Cards – 1:3 Packs
Parallels: Rainbow Foil Board (1:3 Packs); Gold Jacobite Seal (1:8 Packs); Red Jacobite Seal #/50; Printing Pates 1/1

C1 Claire Fraser
C2 Jamie Fraser
C3 Murtagh Fraser
C4 Charles Stuart
C5 Louise de Rohan

C6 Comte St. Germain
C7 King Louis XV
C8 Mary Hawkins
C9 Frank Randall

2017 Outlander Season 2 – CZE STR PWR Character Set
9 Cards
Parallels: Red (1:144 Packs); Silver (1:288 Packs); Gold #/25; Black 1/1

S01 Claire Fraser
S02 Jamie Fraser
S03 Murtagh Fraser
S04 Charles Stuart
S05 Louise de Rohan

S06 Comte St. Germain
S07 King Louis XV
S08 Mary Hawkins
S09 Frank Randall

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Garden of Versailles Set
9 Cards – 1:3 Packs
Parallels: Rainbow Foil Board (1:3 Packs); Gold Jacobite Seal (1:8 Packs); Red Jacobite Seal #/50; Printing Pates 1/1

V1 Claire Fraser
V2 Jamie Fraser
V3 Murtagh Fraser
V4 Charles Stuart
V5 Louise de Rohan

V6 Louise de Rohan, Mary Hawkins, and Claire Fraser
V7 King Louis XV
V8 Mary Hawkins
V9 Frank Randall

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Quotes Set
9 Cards – 1:3 Packs
Parallels: Rainbow Foil Board (1:3 Packs); Gold Jacobite Seal (1:8 Packs); Red Jacobite Seal #/50; Printing Pates 1/1

Q1 Come find me, Jamie…
Q2 Lord, ye gave me a rare woman,…
Q3 I kept my word…
Q4 Mark me…
Q5 You mean sleep with my husband?…

Q6 You will pay a price. Mark me…
Q7 Perhaps you should beg…
Q8 Men don’t do that…
Q9 While I draw breath on this earth…

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Vive Les Frasers Set
9 Cards – 1:24 Packs



2017 Outlander Season 2 – Wardrobe Relics Set
26 Cards – 1:24 Packs – Card #B1 is Binder Exclusive
Parallels: Printing Plates 1/1

M01 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M02 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
M03 Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain
M04 Dominique Pinon as Master Raymond
M05 Claire Sermonne as Louise de Rohan
M06 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M07 Margaux Chatelier as Annalise de Marillac
M08 Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain
M09 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M10 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
M11 Tobias Menzies as Black Jack Randall
M12 Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain
M13 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M14 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
M15 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser

M16 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M17 Margaux Chatelier as Annalise de Marillac
M18 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M19 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
M20 Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
M21 Stephen Walters as Angus Mhor
M22 Duncan Lacroix as Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser
M23 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
M24 Grant O’Rourke as Rupert MacKenzie
M25 Duncan Lacroix as Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser
B1 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser (Binder Exclusive)

2017 Outlander Season 2 – Dual Wardrobe Relics Set
6 Cards – 1:100 Packs

- DM1 Dominique Pinon as Master Raymond
- DM2 Stanley Weber as Comte St. Germain / Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
- DM3 Andrew Gower as Prince Charles Stuart
- DM4 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser / Duncan Lacroix as Murtagh Fraser
- DM5 Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser / Caitriona Balfe as Claire Fraser
- DM6 Stephen Walters as Angus Mhor / Grant O’Rourke as Rupert MacKenzie
2017 Outlander Season 2 – Promos Set
9 Cards – Not Found in Packs

P1 Emerald City Comic Con / The Gathering
P2 WonderCon / Fan Expo / NY Tartan Day Parade
P3 Industry Summit
P4 NSU Magazine
P5 NSU Magazine

P6 NSU Magazine
P7 Outlandish Gathering
P8 Outlander in the City
P9 SDCC 2017

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